Letting all women go will give you the freedom and confidence you need to live your life the way you want to. You’re probably tired of all the “rules” that seem to be governing our interactions with women. It can sometimes feel like we have to walk on eggshells around them, constantly worrying about what we say and do in case it’s interpreted the wrong way. Well, I’m here to tell you that there is a better way. Watch this video know to know how.
Video Transcript:
So in this video, I want to talk a little bit more about letting all women go. Really just learning to let them go learning to drop women not literally. I’m talking about the attachment. I’m talking about that part of you that craves them so much you can’t enjoy your own life anymore because i need a woman to be happy. I need a woman to validate me to be happy, learning to let that go. I just did a video on that not too long ago.
Definitely check that video out. It’ll be linked up in here somewhere it’s all about letting women go. Think of this as part two. This is the part that’s all about the practice of letting women go and that’s what we’re getting into now to remind you for somebody who wrote in that video. How do i let all women go when i have a biological urge to be with women? Well of course you have a biological urge you’re male that’s normal.
I’m not saying you’re not going to be attracted to women. I’m not saying you won’t be sexually turned on by women but you don’t need the women to make you happy. That’s the funny part. A lot of guys get this confused you think because you have a biological urge to be with women you need to have them physically in your life to make you happy and you don’t now.
A good example of this is a lot of guys are into cars. They may see the car of their dreams rolling down the road and just being able to see the car. Maybe they can go up and say hi to the guy. Maybe they let him sit in the car and but maybe even gets to drive it here and there but ultimately he doesn’t necessarily own that car and he can really appreciate that car. That guy that let him sit in it he can appreciate the time he spent uh being around it but he doesn’t have to own it to be happy. He doesn’t even have to take it home right.
So if you can reach that point with women you’re walking down the street, you see a beautiful girl, you enjoy her, you look at her, you really take her in, you let her come to your body, you open your heart and then you turn away and you walk off, you look at something else, you talk to another girl maybe you talk to your bro.
Maybe you’re in a deep conversation with your bro and it’s it’s a really important conversation. Maybe he’s really sharing something important then a beautiful woman walks by. Can you drop that beautiful woman and really be present with the person that matters to you? Your buddy the guy you know it’s what’s the old term bros before right? So can you really be present for that guy and that really counts for a lot.
So i want to invite you into this idea that you can do. That you don’t need women to make you happy now. How are we going to do this? How are we going to facilitate this idea? Oh and let’s go back and remind you as Buddha said, the source of all suffering is attachment and if you’re attached to these women yeah you’re gonna suffer attachment, means i need them to make me happy, you don’t.
So let’s dive in a little deeper. How do you practice this? But before we do, I want to remind you to like subscribe share and to comment. Put a comment in this video. The comments are really important. They help us to know what to bring you more of and we’re also growing the channel. We’re trying to hit that hundred thousand mark and so help us get it there by sharing and subscribing and all that stuff okay?
Now that’s out of the way. Let’s dive in a little deeper. How do you put this into practice? Well it’s very easy. You learn to let everything go. You learn to connect and let go connect, and let go connect and let go okay. So if i look around and i’m looking at a tree and i’m letting it in, this is called the heart walk and we have videos on this and i’m looking at this tree and the plants. I’m like wow that’s beautiful and i’m just taking it in for a minute.
I can learn to feel that tree and enjoy that tree and relax and think how beautiful it is and then i can just turn and let it go and look down the street and enjoy what i see. This way I don’t have to sit there and say god, I need to take that tree home. I need to own that tree okay and then i’ll go connect to this tree, stay out of your head connect to things.
What does that mean again literally? Literally connecting to things means appreciating them feeling them, come towards you, like looking at it over there, feeling it come towards me, letting it in and letting it affect my heart, letting it affect my stomach, enjoying it and then i look away okay and then i look down at the the beauty of nature down the street here.
And the walk, the how, there’s a lot of beautiful flowers down here. I don’t think you can see it on the camera but i can take those in too and i can just relax and enjoy those for a moment. Then I can let that go and look at something else that’s called the heart walk and I believe we have a video on that if we do. I will post a link to it in here the next is the vulnerability walks.
And the vulnerability walks with your ability to walk on the street and feel another person and let them in somebody who can judge you back and that’s between a person and something inanimate or a plant or a flower or a dog. They’re not going to judge you back but another person, they’ll have an opinion about you. So can you walk down the street and look at people smile at them, nod, let them in and then let them go.
Smile and nod, take them in and then let them go. Say hi, let them go. You can do that particularly with beautiful women as they walk by, whether they look at you or look away it doesn’t matter. Let them in, look away and immediately let them go. Do the lock in with something else like another tree or another plant or something else, like right over here or some or the building if you like buildings if you’re an architect.
Something that pulls your attention, a car if you you see a type of car, you like something that pulls your attention and completely let that person go and you do this over and over and over again, breaking that part of you that gets sucked in because ultimately when you get sucked into a beautiful woman, there’s a part of you that goes into wanting and you start to lean forward in your body and there’s this little bit of emotion that comes up.
Typically pain and sadness over not having her and when you go free, you won’t go into pain and sadness anymore. You can enjoy her and just and if you don’t have her in your life you can pop right up to feeling great anyways, that won’t pull you down, that’s the attachment part. So when I look at somebody or something and i let go again, I just move this way because it’s easy for me to do and that’s what we’re doing.
We’re breaking that connection, that bond that report, that part of our brain that says I need this and showing your brain you don’t, and every time you do that, I connect to one thing and then i move and connect to another thing. Every time I break that part of me, it starts to get pulled in a little bit. I’m weakening that neural pathway. I’m weaking that part of my brain that says I need this.
And that signal is going to get weaker and weaker and weaker. Ultimately, you’re going to do this talking to women. You’re going to walk up. You’re going to socialize, you’re going to connect and you’re going to start to talk to women and as soon as you start to talk to them you’re going to look away again and then you’re going to come back. As soon as you start to feel that pull that connection so i’ll be talking to her and I’m looking at her.
And I start to feel that pull and that want, I’ll immediately look away look at something else. Maybe that tree over there, relax take it in and then i’ll come back to her. why do I that? So that I don’t lean in too much, so that i train myself that i don’t need her. I’m literally letting her go. I’m showing myself I can let her go and she feels it too.
In the old pickup days they called it a rock step. They’d see naturals do this. They’d go like this rock away, come back and unfortunately a lot of the pickup artists didn’t get it. They just did the step but they never let go and the girls can feel the difference. You have to actually let go and put your energy somewhere else that’s why you gotta master connecting to other things okay.
There’s another guy knew that used to sing to himself. He would suddenly look away and just start singing a song and come back and the girl go “what are you doing?” He goes ah “just entertaining myself” and it’s kind of cocky but it shows i don’t need you, I don’t care. You can fully connect to a woman beautifully and let her go at the same time and I can deeply connect. Actually I can deeply connect more and really enjoy a woman even more.
The more I can let her go that’s the caveat. If i can look at her and say “wow you’re beautiful look at you” oh but i don’t need you. I’m gonna go over here and walk away and then come back “oh you’re still here good” that’s so powerful okay. This is why teasing and cocky funny is so powerful because it shows you don’t need her but you can still enjoy her. See, a woman wants to be enjoyed by a man that doesn’t need her or isn’t attached that doesn’t have a strong attachment to her.
That is the real key. So again this is the practice of letting women go while being right in front of them. This is the practice of getting in front of them saying hi boom i don’t need you coming right back “hey what’s up” and if you can do this over and over and over again, it becomes really powerful, becomes a really powerful message to your subconscious mind.
So let’s take this little a layer deeper. I’m gonna tell you a story. There was a guy named Brad P. who was a pickup dating coach. I don’t think he’s around anymore. I think he quit but he said he loved to hang out with naturals, the guy I hung out with a few times and he said i love to hang out with naturals and i was hanging out with this natural. We were right on the bus and i was teaching him my horse girl opener. He was famous for this opener it all started.
It starts “do you like horses?” and it goes on from there and he goes “oh well i went to school with this girl that liked horses and she used to winnie and she had one of those sticks with the horse heads on it. She’d winnie around on the horse head and she’d play and we all used to make fun of her. We used to make so much fun of her and i felt so bad and you look just like her” that’s the opener. Now you got to pace it a little bit better. I went a little fast then she’ll scream.
And you yell and then you tease her and so he told her this guy and the guy was like wow that’s really cool. I like it the natural, the natural who doesn’t give a what anybody thinks of him is not attached to any one woman. And the natural goes I’m gonna use that tonight so they get out of the, I think they’re on a bus or on a subway and they go right to the bar the natural walks up right to the first girl.
And boom! Do you like horses does it and the girl is giggling and laughing and then immediately turns to the girl. I believe to her right? And says the same exact thing. Do you like horses? You give a that, this one hurt him, you that she heard it. She heard him, do it to the other girl and then he turns to the next girl. He did it to like five or six girls in a row and they said by the end of the night, he had all these girls following him around because he was demonstrating his lack of attachment.
He didn’t need any one of these girls. He was having fun. For him playing around doing what he wanted to do and inviting them into it, that’s true letting go letting go by staying away from all women. And being a renunciate of women is not the same as actually letting go.
Standing right in front of them and saying i don’t need you. That’s what makes you attractive. Being open and expressive and saying “damn you’re sexy oh and you’re sexy too and you’re sexy too and you’re sexy too” and then when you’re done, you figure out inside which one you really like. Like yeah they’re all sexy, they’ll draw me in but you, there’s something special about you and even you i don’t need in the end because i don’t really know you.
I’m just getting to know you. Maybe when i get to know you and we figure out if we really like each other, we’ll go from there. That’s what makes it so powerful. So think about that for a minute. That’s the practice I used to have guys go to bars and walk through the bar and talk to every person. Let’s say start at this end of the bar and every person to your right.
I want you to say hi to you walking through the bar and i don’t want you to skip anybody, especially the women. You’ve got to say hi to them all, have a short conversation with them all, then move on and immediately move on, like don’t sit there and linger, don’t just break. And matter of fact, sometimes I would even ask them to ask for rejections, walk down the bar and go you know joke with people from in and out.
Now i’m working on my my ability to handle rejection. Can you do me a favor and reject me? Tell me to off, tell me to get lost, oh i can’t do that. They’d scream and yell, that type of stuff. So I want to invite you into this idea that you can learn to let it all go while being in the middle of it, while being immersed in it. You can practice this.
True freedom from outcome is learning to be right immersed in the middle of being around beautiful women and constantly letting them go at the same time and this is what’s going to make you attractive. As long as you keep your expressiveness, your big energy, you don’t hide, you don’t shut down, you don’t become a wallflower, you don’t have to be huge either. There’s just something natural, something where you’re moving your hands, you’re talking, you’re expressive and i think this can be very powerful for training.
You have to understand what it is to truly let women go. Truly letting women go is not the act of rejecting them because you can, the more you let them go, the attachment to them, hear this, the more you let go of the attachment, the more you can just truly enjoy them. You can invest more energy in them and say wow there’s something about this woman, I want to get to know her.
I don’t know what it is but i want to get to know you. The more you can invest more because if she does treat you like you can easily go okay, I’m gonna go on over here now I’m done and that’s so powerful. I’m gonna give you a couple more stories. I had a good friend Jason. I think I talked about him recently on another video. I’m gonna talk about him again.
He used to go into bars and he would light up in bars, you know he was one of the best with women i’d ever seen and he would just start hitting on girl after girl after girl. I talked about him in my working, the room video and uh he would just say hey what look at you look at the way you’re looking at me, I can do let’s see how you’re looking at me and he’ll just start flirting with him right away and he’d say to me, Brian go grab that girl pull her over here for me.
So i pull this girl over and he’d have this girl. He’d be talking this one and she’d say hold on, hold on, need to start talking to this girl, then you come back to this girl and the next thing you go, hey come here, come here and he asked her a question. He did not give a what to any one of them, thought of him and I would frequently see him with four or five girls all around him, pretty soon because he was so bold, so forward, constantly breaking rapport and reconnecting.
Breaking rapport and reconnecting so he wasn’t attached to what any one of them, thought of him, he just flowed. He just played, he was having fun for himself and he was completely rejection proof, especially from women. He just met you know a woman would have to get to know him before he could even feel remotely rejected.
And that’s the key and I’m gonna say that you can develop that too. That’s true freedom from outcome. That’s true letting women go. It’s not about them letting them out of your life completely. It’s just about letting go of that attachment and that’s it. The reason I illustrate this in so many different ways it’s because some of you guys just don’t get it.
You think i’m saying you’re not going to have any women in your life, well temporarily while you figure this out, while you work on it might go downhill a little bit but then pretty soon, it comes back in spades. Everything starts to grow, you get happier, you get more free and your life begins to change. That’s really it. Hopefully I made my point in this video. Hopefully you’ve got a good practice to play with in the video.
I definitely want to remind you to check out my previous video on this letting women go. It’s a great video really really triggered a lot of people into a really uh I really got a lot of views. People really loved it so that’s what caused me to want to do this video and then also check out my video on working the room that i just shot.
It’s all about you know how you go through a bar and you talk to everybody and this will help you with the letting the go too, we’ll link that in here too, but how you talk to everybody and build attraction by not talking to any one person but by being in a sense this powerful force in the room that all the women see and that takes a lot of letting go and going free from outcome to do.
So with that said I hopefully you like this video make sure to like subscribe, share, make sure to comment. I definitely want to hear your comments and remember as always only the confident really live see in the next video.