In this video, I answer a viewer question many men have: Why do women get bored with me on dates?
This week’s question comes from “David” – David asks:
“Hi Brian, The last four dates I’ve been on with four different women sucked really bad. Women seem to get bored and I can’t seem to generate any attraction on a date. I know it’s hard for you to give specific tips without seeing how I’m being on these dates, but can you give some general tips and guidelines on how to go on successful dates and how to generate attraction on a date?”
One absolutely crucial element of having good dates that build sexual tension (chemistry) with women, actually go somewhere, and don’t end up in the friend zone is turn-on: Actually being turned on and not hiding that from the woman you’re on a date with. When you’re deeply in touch with your sexual attraction and turn-on for a woman, even “boring” conversation that many dating “experts” and coaches will tell you to avoid like the plague becomes interesting, flirty, and sexual. The whole dynamic of a date can change when you embrace your turn-on. More on turn-on here.
Being able to step into tension and be direct is also very important. Why do women get bored with me? Well…do you set the tone and be direct with her right away? Direct compliments are key, but it’s about the subtleties of the compliments that really matter. Read about that here. (The post is about relationships and sex, but fully applies to being direct and giving women compliments in all situations.)
Being grounded is another piece. Being able to calmly manage tension, awkwardness, and the like. Start learning about grounding here.
Being able to lead is another piece. Most women still want men to be the leader when it comes to dating and courtship.
Listening to her and feeling her emotions is also important. Not being too heady, and learning to really get in touch with everything that’s going on underneath the words. I explain that more in the video, and here are a couple other posts/videos on that:
The 8 Qualities Of A Confident and Masculine Man: Listening & Feeling
The Most Overlooked Skill to Attract Women – Be a Great, Connected Listener