In this video, I answer a viewer question on how to meet women in a new city, and give you some tips and things to focus on when meeting women…regardless of what city you’re in!
This week’s question comes from Gabriel R. who asks:
“Hey man. First, I just want to quickly say thank you for posting all these videos. Learning a lot. The thing I’m struggling to do is take massive action. I just moved to a new city to get away from my old family and friends because I felt like I was too comfortable, kind of like burning the boats haha. But now that I’ve moved here, I feel like I’m stuck and can’t get over this incessant fear of going up to girls with sexual intent. I can go up and be friendly but can’t get past friendship.”
Really, it’s not about how to meet women in a new city – it’s about how to meet women, period! Yes, you may feel more nervous and less “at home” after you’ve moved somewhere new. It may feel a little (or a lot) like a foreign land and – if you’re honest with yourself – even a little plain scary. But the same things apply to socializing, meeting women, and attracting them in your new town as they do anywhere.
You even have the little tool of being able to start conversations with women in your new city based on the fact that you’re new in town…just don’t let that turn into you avoiding being direct and creating sexual tension with the women you’re meeting. (Being overly friendly while avoiding being direct, complimenting them, and leaving no doubt about why you’re talking to them…can be a quick road to the friend zone.)
You could even just plain tell them “You should show me some of your favorite spots in town” – the key is to say it and hold eye contact in a way that really owns the fact that you’re flirting with the girl and using being new in town as a sly excuse for a date. You’re not hiding it from her. It’s a “lie,” but a fun one that you both are in on.
Beyond that, the answer for how to meet women in a new city is about the same principles for attracting and connecting with women that I always teach, like:
-Being in touch with your turn-on and attraction for them while you’re talking to them
-Relaxing in the tension and awkward moments…not avoiding or releasing tension. (I explain this in the video.)
-Speaking slowly and really feeling the words as you say them
-Slowing down to really take her beauty and sexiness in when you look at her
I go further into all of this and more in the video – enjoy!
Click here for the full-length Q&A episode I referenced (in the video) that this was taken from.
How to give a woman a killer compliment (This post is focused on relationships, but fully applies to women you’re meeting for the first time, too.)
The 8 Qualities Of A Confident and Masculine Man: Turn-On
Sexual Tension: How to Create Chemistry with a Woman (Video Demo)