Andy Smith is an independent contributor. His views do not necessarily reflect those of FEARLESS.

When you’re dating in your 20s as a man, it can feel essential to find a special someone and stay together. However, by the time you’re in your thirties, stability becomes more of an issue. People’s preferences for what they want out of a life partner should represent them well enough that both individuals are happy with their decision-making process when dating other possible romantic interests.

The problem arises if one falls head over heels too quickly without thinking things through first: You might end up settling. Dating in your 30s as a man might make you feel anxious, seeing all your friends settling down. But don’t feel pressured.

This is especially true when you’re dating in your 30’s as a man since, after countless failed relationships in the past, women may want to find someone who is in for the long game. Finding someone in the same age bracket might seem more challenging since more women around the age of thirty (compared to women in their 20s) are either highly focused on their careers or have experienced painful heartbreaks from their previous relationships.

Is Dating Harder For Men In Their 30s?

There are a lot of factors that influence how the world treats people at the age of thirty. But this isn’t just true for those in their 30s – it happens in many other age ranges. You may also have had several heartbreaks from previous relationships.

However, you’re not the only one who’s experienced these things. People of your age range, men or women, have probably been in your shoes too, which is why trust issues are common for people with more dating experience than those who are new to it.

The fun and innocence of meeting people and falling in love can become lost in this stage of life. Dating in your 30s can seem very challenging.

Some dating experts say that as you age, your dating skills tend to wane. Many people go from being a free spirit who like to have a good time and meet new people to being a little bit more cautious about what they want in a relationship.

So how do you know whether or not you should put your future dating efforts on hold for another decade or so? You have to ask yourself: are your inner traits still the same as those in your twenties? The dating advice columnists at newspapers and magazines say that the answer is definitely “no.”

Dating Advice That You Never Thought You’d Need

If you’ve just gotten out of a relationship or just recently turned 30 and are stressing out about finding the right person to be with, we’ve got you covered.

Dating in your 30s isn’t rocket science. And, because technology has been continuously advancing, you can even go online and use dating apps to meet people.

Dating in your 30s as a man

Dating has been made easier with the use of the internet. Whether you are dating in your 20s or 30s, everyone has switched to going online, especially amid this pandemic.

Let Go of The Past

Many single 30-year-olds have most likely experienced one or more forms of heartbreak from their past relationships. May it be cheating, ghosting, divorce, or break-up, we all have these experiences and bad memories that helped mold us into the people we are today.

But it’s called ‘past’ for a reason because it doesn’t belong to your present or the future. Instead of being hung up on what has already happened, focus on your ‘now’ and future.

Know What You Want

The ideal woman might have been based on the superficial – rich, sexy, and drop-dead gorgeous when you were younger. But when you’re in your 30s, you may realize how much your preferences might have changed. Many men in their 30s prefer to date a woman with more substance than they looked for in their 20s.

It’s Okay To Be Inexperienced

Being older doesn’t automatically mean more experience. Some men prefer to hold off on dating to focus more on their careers and hobbies, or they’ve just struggled with their confidence or connecting with women. There’s nothing wrong with that. The important thing in building genuine connections is to be authentic. Don’t be ashamed to admit that you don’t have much experience.

Some women even prefer a man who hasn’t experienced much of a dating life yet.

Take Things Slow

Men tend to rush things and situations because they get caught up in thinking about what they could have in the future. We all want a lot of things, but rushing into a relationship doesn’t always end well. For one, you could end up scaring your partner into leaving.

Sometimes, you end up rushing things for fear of not finding the ‘right one’ to settle down with. It’s essential to be in the moment and try to get to know your partner. After all, dating is not a race.

Be Positive

Most men in their 30s who have experienced many failed relationships or failed attempts at connecting with women in the first place tend to be pessimistic about finding the right person and settling down. They see that as a far-fetched dream, given their past experiences. But don’t be discouraged to date. Take it as the opportunity to meet the right woman.

It’s important not to let negativity get the best of you. Don’t overthink things and let life go on its natural course.

Don’t Date Someone For The Sake of Dating

You can’t date women based solely on the potential you see in them. If you’re not that into them just as they are right now, don’t engage in a romantic relationship. Life is too short to be wasting all this time on the wrong person.

Open Communication Is Essential

Communication is vital for every relationship. Sitting down and talking about your plans and problems with your significant other is essential to having a healthy relationship.

Often, relationships fail because one party refuses to be honest about their thoughts and feelings and would rather give their partner the silent treatment rather than talking it out to solve the problem.

As mature men, it’s essential to make sure that there is good communication in the earlier stages of the relationship. This can also help build good habits for the future. They say that even in the late 30s age bracket, men become more open to communication. That’s a great thing, since women like men who can communicate.

Identify Your Money Personality

As you grow older, it becomes more important to consider a woman’s financials and perspective on money. A lot of relationships and marriages end because of financial issues. Dating someone who has the same mindset towards money as you is beneficial.

You may not only fight about money during your relationship, but you might also even help each other grow because of it.

No Relationship Is Perfect

Relationships are a two-way street. You and your significant other will both have your flaws, and that’s okay. A healthy relationship is about accepting each other’s flaws and helping each other grow into better versions of themselves.

dating in your 30s

There are no perfect relationships. Life isn’t like those fairytales we read and movies we watch. It has its ups and downs, and men need to find the right women worth going through all of that with.

Are You Trying Out Dating In Your 30s As A Man?

Now that I’ve laid out some of the essential tips in dating in your 30s, it’s your turn to put it to good use. Go out, meet women, and date. Only then will you be able to find the right person. You might feel like you’re starting late, but always remember that dating is not a race.

Everyone has their own pace, and taking things one step at a time is also excellent. There are many ways to start your dating life nowadays. You can use dating apps like the Tinder app and meet women online, or you could always do it the traditional way and meet them in person. Date, get married, and have fun.