Understanding compounding interest, also known as the 1% rule, in the context of success and growth can really help you achieve your goals faster in any area of life. In this video, I talk about how the 1% rule is ALWAYS working in your life – for you or against you, and how you can use it to your benefit instead of letting it slow you down.
Compounding interest is an asset in financial investments, but it affects your entire life in multiple ways.
What you focus on expands.
The principle of compounding interest suggests the combination of your small achievements will lead you to the success you have been working for. The 1% rule teaches you to appreciate every success you experience – big or small. Truly doing this trains your brain to look for more success – feeling good (about all the little moments of success and progress)gives you the confidence and energy to stay the course and succeed faster. And it also helps you be more attuned to and creative with finding ways to achieve your goals faster that you might otherwise miss.
But compounding interest is a double-edged sword. If you discount your small victories and progress, then you’re training your brain to focus on the negative, which saps your confidence and morale and also makes you likely to miss opportunities to make progress and succeed faster.
Another way the 1-percent rule is impacting you is your consistency. No, whether you do your daily meditation, eat unhealthy, turn on the TV in the evening instead of spending that hour working on your side-gig or building that business,  or do your daily confidence practice may not have a noticeable impact on your life today or tomorrow, but that decision, repeated over time is the biggest thing that will make you succeed or fail in the long term.
And one decision – one habitual practice or step that’s easy to do but also easy not to do makes a similar decision the next day easier.
Each little helpful or unhelpful decision you make – and each little time you appreciate your 1-percent victories and growth, or not – is a small movement that helps you achieve your goals faster…or is slowing you down and heading you in the direction of failure.
The Beatles were thought of as an overnight success, but that seemingly sudden explosion of success for them was the result of very consistent practice and little successes and growth that primed them to blow up.
I talk about all of this more in the video. Enjoy!
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