In this clip from an edition of The FEARLESS Man Live seminar, Brian and the FEARLESS Models talk about how current-day society often teaches men to be submissive to women in relationships and why that’s a mistake.
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in September 2018.
Sitcoms, for example, commonly depict men as incompetent fools who almost never “wear the pants” in their relationships, with their wives or girlfriends as the overwhelming leaders and decision-makers.
But that’s not what women really want in their relationships with men. Most don’t want submissive puppy dogs as partners in relationships. They want men.
Where this gets confused is women’s testing of men in relationships, but testing doesn’t mean she wants you to submit all the time. Brian and the models discuss this in the video.
Enjoy the video, and learn more about The Fearless Man Live and our other events!
Video transcript:
Okay, she’s not looking for a puppy. Dog doesn’t need another child, especially if she has babies with you, like she has your children. She doesn’t need you as a child. comfortable letting the feminine take fleet or women take the lead and go into their mask. If we’d been taught that by a very dominant parent are like, just let them take the lead and say for that. And then TV teachers that a lot, right? A lot of sitcoms teach the men to be submissive to women. It’s like the man can’t do anything. Right. And the woman has to take charge of everything. How many sitcoms have you seen like that? And then what do they say? Just let her do what she wants to do. Like, you know, happy wife is A. Yeah, just make sure if she wants to do, if she’s the she likes that, you know, just give it to her. Always apologize. That’s another one. Always be the one to apologize. It’s easier. And then what happens is, is you actually end up with an unhappy wife because she doesn’t feel like she has a man and she starts to get more and more unhappy and she doesn’t feel the challenge. Yeah, we aren’t. We all need challenge. She’s going to challenge you the rest of your life. You got to. If you’re going to be here, container, you got to demonstrate you can be a container. Okay? She’s not looking for a puppy dog. She doesn’t need another child. Especially if she has babies with you. Like she has your children. She doesn’t need you as a child too. Okay. But that’s just the talk about stressed out women, Jesus. And they run around like I have to do everything and that’s, that sucks. I mean, I don’t know. You have babies yet so. But I’m sure you’ve had some experience with men like that right now. What’s that feel like? Then you break up with. There’s the answer right there. Then I break up with him. So what did you want to say? Something? You almost had something. Why are you can be as honest as you want to be. No, no, you want a man and a man because women today are very charged and that’s another test. Women will try to go into the mass, don’t take everything from you to see what he’ll do and they do it unconsciously and then some women are just so programmed to do it. They’ll do it and they need a strong man who will stop it and then they. They’re happy. They thank you for it because they’re so programmed to do it. Especially women that have running their own businesses or running their own companies. They’re using. Yeah. Yeah. It’s such a surprise when you guys definitely like the whole. I have a question, so if you think of the guy just going on the background and you broke up with him, let even know why you let them know why you broke up with absolutely no reason or how would you. How would you communicate that to you? How would you. How would you tell him about my background? Kids? Sometimes you gave so much of things that we’re bringing on that’s just not worth that. Go there and explain all of that. You don’t. Something that’s built over time that you’ve given him enough for them because sometimes I would actually have conversations about it and he wouldn’t change intervention. Do you have an intervention with the guy integrated? So, um, so any other questions about this?