How to Get Over Shyness and Be More Expressive

In this video, Brian gives you exercises to get more comfortable with being more expressive and "being seen" to help you get over shyness...

How Do I Be Confident Without Being Cocky?

"How do I be confident without being cocky?" is a common concern for men, so in this video and post, I talk about the...

Giving Up Security & Comfort Can Propel You to Finacial Freedom

That financial freedom and success in your goals, dreams, and dream career...and the overall lifestyle you say you serious are you about making...

6 Reasons Why Women Don’t “Tell us, in words” Why They’re...

We see a lot of men - both at our events and on our YouTube channel and other social media - complain about women...

How To Release and Build Up Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

In this video, I wanted to address 2 sticking points that I see many men struggle with and they are hindering your growth. Editor's Note:...

How to Meet Women in a New City

In this video, I answer a viewer question on how to meet women in a new city, and give you some tips and things...

Uncommon Tips for How to Be a Better Public Speaker

In this video, I answer a viewer question about how to be a better public speaker and give you some tips that I use...

Why Do Women Get Bored with Me on Dates?

In this video, I answer a viewer question many men have: Why do women get bored with me on dates? This week's question comes from...

“State Pumping” into Anger – Is it Healthy to get Angry?

Is it healthy to get angry to get out of depression or a funk? In this video, I answer a viewer question on "state...

Do You Need To Be Good Looking or Rich to Get...

  In this video, I answer a viewer's question: Do you need to be good looking or rich to get women? This week's question comes from...

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The 6 Hidden Fears Stopping Men From Living Their Best Lives

THE HARD TRUTH ABOUT FEAR THAT MOST MEN NEVER CONFRONT Fear. The four-letter word that men rarely admit to experiencing, yet it silently controls more...

The Modern Man’s Guide to Modern Masculinity

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Embracing Vulnerability: The Secret to Authentic Attraction

In a world where traditional masculinity often emphasizes being “strong” and “confident,” vulnerability can feel like a foreign, even risky concept for men. However,...

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Develop Your Sexual Confidence: Single or Not!

Developing your sexual confidence is essential in order to have a fulfilling and enjoyable sex life. But if you don’t even have a girlfriend...