My Mental and Emotional “Pregame” Warm-up: Meditative Weightlifting

Growing up with a disability, fitness, weight lifting, getting bigger and stronger...none of those things felt like they were in the cards for me....

How you can have your (Fitness) Cake and Eat (Actual) Cake,...

I see a lot of people trying to lose weight who are following very restrictive diets because they think that's the only way. And I...

The Moment I Realized Just How Much I Underrate My Own...

I've been seriously working on getting lean enough to have a 6-pack since I came back from Mardi Gras 15 months ago. A few months...

An Update: What Bodybuilding with A Disability Has – And Hasn’t...

In July, I wrote about What Bodybuilding with A Disability Has - And Hasn't - Done For Me. I talked about it being a lot of...

How I “Survive” 36-Hour Fasts…and Why in Hell I Do It

Going through a 36-hour fast - skipping a full day’s worth of calories by not eating for a day and a half - may...

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