In this video, Brian discusses two of the most important traits men who are attractive to women have: Decisiveness, and being someone who seeks out tension (pressure)…and is cool, calm, and collected under that pressure. And ideally, he even gets better, stronger, and grows “in the tension.”

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in November 2017.

In Think & Grow Rich (we get a small commission if you buy through that link), Napolean Hill found that the most successful people in the world had one thing in common: they made decisions quickly and they changed their minds slowly, if ever at all.

How does that relate to being attractive to women? (No, it’s not about getting rich to attract them!)

Let’s look at the opposite of being decisive. Being indecisive and hesitating slows you down in any area of life. It exhibits a lack of confidence and solidness in who you are and what you want, which isn’t attractive. As Brian talks about in the video, back in the days of cavemen, being indecisive and hesitating could get you (and her and her babies) killed. And a guy who’s full of indecision and hesitation just doesn’t come off as very attractive.

Now picture a guy who makes quick decisions and doesn’t hesitate about what he wants, who he wants to talk to, and what he wants to do and say. He knows himself and owns it and goes for it. He makes women he talk to feel sure he really wants to meet and get to know them vs a guy who’s sitting back, hesitating, or flighty about his words and actions. And he makes her feel more protected because there’ a sense that he’ll know what to do – and quickly – in high-pressure situations.

And that rolls right into being and staying cool under pressure. Pressure is a form of tension, and a guy who handles pressure and other forms of tension well again makes women feel more protected…and just turned on by how solid he is in himself in tense moments.

So start noticing all the areas of your daily life that you hesitate. Awareness is the first step. Start catching yourself & practicing being more decisive. It can be as simple as deciding on what to order at dinner quicker.

And realize that you’ll make the wrong decision. A lot. Successful people fail a lot. Because they’re taking decisive action and learning and constantly moving forward.

Decisive, attractive men break a lot of eggs, they rock the boat, they piss women off and get rejected sometimes. But they’re acting and moving forward.

“Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

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