It’s no secret that women love it when a man makes eye contact that women love. It can be really sexy and make her feel special. But making eye contact isn’t always easy – especially if you’re not used to doing it. In this video, I’m going to share tips to help you make eye contact with women the right way.

Video Transcript:

Welcome to this fearless fundamentals video. It’s awesome to have Natalie back yes and we want to dive a little bit deeper into some principles of energetic embodiment which is what we teach here. And I want to use Natalie to kind of demonstrate some eye contact and some different principles around eye contact that you can play with.

I already kind of did this in a previous video but i figure we can always go a little deeper, play a little bit more. So in this video it’s going to be all about eye contact. So are you ready? I’m ready. Awesome! Let’s go.

So eye contact is probably one of the most important things because people are walking around all day and they’re playing with their eye contact, okay. They’re feeling people out. They’re looking at people and they’re being seen by people and we don’t realize that we can push and pull with our eye contact.

So when i’m looking at a girl from a distance. A woman from a distance and I’m taking her in and I go into my head, like a lot of guys are in their head. It can be like this and there can be. There’s a pressure that gets created even from a distance, like I could be clear across the room right, yeah.

And you can feel a guy, that’s a pressure. It’s putting pressure on you. How does that feel? When I do that it feels unwelcoming, yeah. And now I’m going to add a little element and I want to see if it changes for you. If i start to do this and add that one element, how does that feel?

It feels like you’re not really here, okay. But it also feels like a little bit aggressive, okay. That’s because I added. I moved from the back of my body to the front of my body and it’s what a lot of guys do. When they’re in wanting and they’re like I really want to meet her. Oh wow look at her, there’s a part of them that that doesn’t know how to relax into their own body. And they’re it’s like they’re trying to jump out of their body. And get to hers because they’re so attracted to her. That you get that feeling i’m assuming right?

Yeah, like when men are like pushing on you, yeah, yeah. So do you feel that like if I’m coming up to you from a distance? You’ll feel these different eye contacts coming from a distance? And you’re already saying what yes no maybe?

I don’t want to talk to this guy a little overwhelmed, exactly. So what we want to work on is the ability and this is why we do so many hi’s. We’re always working on this stuff with everybody not just with women. If you just wait for a beautiful woman to be in your presence to practice, this stuff, it’s going to take forever if you ever get there.

But if you’re talking to everybody and practicing eye contact with everybody all the time, everywhere you go and saying hi to everybody then it gets that much easier when you run into somebody you like. Because you’ve already got it under your belt.

So if i’m looking at Natalie from a distance and I relax. And what I do is I put 80 percent of my energy on my own body, okay. So i’m feeling me first. I am owning my body first and then enjoying the presence of this beautiful woman in and through my body. Not trying to get out of my body and get to her or in a sense get into her body is what a lot of guys are trying to do literally.

We’re trying to get validation from the woman. Getting it and we’re trying to get all this stuff from women, okay. So if you look at me from a distance. What I just did was me, trying to get out of my body. I’m hunting. I’m wanting. I’m like hi what’s your name? And there’s this energy jumping towards her right? If you watch what I do here and the reason I’m doing it from a distance because you guys have to approach from a distance.

If i drop down and i start to feel my own body, I literally. They call turning on the observer. In meditation I feel my legs. I feel my hips. I feel my stomach. I feel my heart. I open my heart where curiosity resides appreciation resides and I just take her in. And I let her feel me rather than me trying to feel her. And I show her what I’m feeling inside. Now she knows who I am. She can be safe so if I open my heart and I just see her. I can just smile at her maybe that’s all it is today.

Maybe today I just see this beautiful woman. I’m walking down the street and I just give her a nod. And I open my heart as I go by and we have a little moment. Maybe I run into her tomorrow. We have another little moment. It’s really nice and do you feel such a big difference?

Eye Contact That Women Love

What is the difference from here? Well like your heart is so much more open and it makes me want to open myself more, yeah. Whereas before it was just so much straight energy, like out of your eyes. Like so much wanting and it just kind of throws me off. But this feels like open. I feel safe. I feel like you know just like I can open.

He’s open. I can open too and so does it make sense to you that she’s going to want to hang out with a guy. She can be open with and be herself with. And if I’m not putting pressure on her and I’m just enjoying her. And you also want to be appreciated and enjoyed like you dress beautifully. You want to have a guy witness that and receive that.

So as I look at her and I said this in the last video. As I look at her I can, let’s say I’m at a distance I can take her into my head which is here, which isn’t going to feel very good.

I can take her into my throat. I can take her into my heart which is where everything softens and so I don’t know if you can feel that guys. But now I’m just like sitting in my heart with her where the magic happens for dating. It is when you take her, you keep the heart open. Take her into the heart. And then you take her one notch further right into the stomach area where if you look up gut, as a second brain. That’s your instinctual brain. That’s the animal side of you.

And in a dating perspective with women, you want to marry the animal with the spiritual. The higher self with the lower self, the emotional body and instinctual body and in the sense the spiritual body. And what that means is really interesting. Is that she can feel me in my animal as a man. She can feel me drop down into the lower part of my body but she also feels my heart. And feels me open I’m not going to lose control to it.

So as a woman how important is it for you to know your man is in touch with his animalistic side? As much as he’s in touch with his spiritual side. His heart, his loving side. It is important. It’s grounding, okay. Grounding, it makes you feel what makes me feel like wanted but also respected right. And so there’s two qualities there wanted and respected super important. Keep going.

Is there anything else uh that basically is it, yeah, okay. So think about it. The wanted part is the animal because what is sex but animalistic? It’s our animal sexuality and when you’re approaching a woman, you’re saying, hey I might want to have sex with you. I don’t know there’s something about you that interests me.

So if you’ve got shame around sex and you’re not in touch with your animal, then she’s going to not want to really hang out with a guy that’s like that. Because she’s not going to be any fun and then you all she also wants to know you can see her humanity. Her spirit, her soul. See her as a person that’s the hard part.

Nice guys get the heart part you know. You’re such a sweet person. I don’t just see you as an object. And then a lot of bad boys get the animal part right and players bad boys and they’re like, hey you know like?

I want to bring out your animal. And then if you get that bad boy with a heart or that guy who’s third stage man David Deida talks about. He’s got all of that integrated. He’s in his animal. He’s in his heart and he can respect you and ravish you all at the same time. And so that’s what all that gets said starts with sub-communication.

So again guys if I’m standing in front of her and I see her and I’m letting her into my heart. I’m letting her into my stomach and I walk over. I have to modulate right. So as I will come forward. I’m going to modulate and get more relaxed and I’m just going to let her in. I’m going to witness her and I’m going to say. It could be as simple as, hi you know I saw you and I had to meet you. Hi nice to meet you. And if you get nervous you want to own that.

Eye Contact That Women LoveSo embarrassment is your friend and it works to your advantage. And so many of you guys want to get past that nervousness before you approach and the honest truth is you want to love it. Fall in love with your vulnerability and your nervousness okay and that’s what will make it work. So again what I’m going to say is, I’m just going to go through it. So you see it all if i’m standing here and i want to talk to her. I’m receiving her in if I want to play a little bit.

I might go this way just a little bit where I’m like, hey what’s up, and I push a little bit and then but then I want to come back to receiving again and I want to just let her in and really enjoy her.

Be curious about her and that’s basically really good eye contact. When you’re letting her in, you’re letting her into your heart and ultimately your stomach because it’s at your stomach that you start that.

Almost every client starts getting dates is when they get to their stomach. And one more demo of that just so you have it. If I come up to my heart and I’m all up here, hi how you doing Natalie? My name is Brian. I just want to say hi to you, so nice to meet you. It sounds wet, very friendly, very yeah.

If I drop into my stomach which means relaxing right? Here in the rib cage opening, there’s a sense of vulnerability in the heart and I’m relaxing in the rib cage and i drop down a little bit and then I’m like, hi Natalie, hi yeah.

I just had to meet you. Thank you for coming over. There’s a different energy in that isn’t there and that energy has a lot more intent to it. Doesn’t it? Yeah. Well how does it feel different to you? It feels like you’re really connecting, yeah, but like a deeper connection and that’s cool and that’s because the stomach is instinctual body. We talked about that earlier.

It’s the beginning of grounding and it’s the beginning of really you demonstrating that. You’re a man that can handle the [ __ ] when the [ __ ] hits the fan and I know nobody talks about this stuff. We talk about it a lot in our embodiment programs. I talk about it in The Art of fearless Seduction book here which just basically goes through all these embodiment principles. It’s not a book it’s not a step-by-step, how-to book.

But it’s a book with these basic. How to get in the different parts of your body. How these different energies work. So if you want to check that out, there’ll be a link in the video too or if you want to check out our programs check out our website and check out the events page. We have events. We have programs all kinds of stuff online.

So anything you want to say about eye contact? One thing I wanted to talk about quickly is when guys are a little bit nervous, it can be kind of endearing in a way as long as they own it and as long as they don’t let themselves get too embarrassed that they’re embarrassed. So like to just be comfortable and just kind of own it. That’s really attractive and charming, yeah, to me that’s the most important part.

And that’s that vulnerability part. If you get vulnerable and starting to love your vulnerability, you’re way more attractive actually. We we did talk about this earlier but when a guy gets really confident and he doesn’t have any nervousness, he’s actually almost less attractive right? That’s true yeah.

It’s nice to see that like this guy is like a real person. I’ve seen guys that approach so many women. They get so comfortable approaching women, that it’s just like, and they can walk to women and women can tell the difference at that point.

It’s almost a problem so you know wouldn’t. You rather be affected by her that’s the whole reason you’re dating her because she causes an effect in your life. She makes you nervous. She makes you giddy.


You can’t wait to see her like you get nervous around her when you’re in front of her, you know? There’s that and then you’re like but I can’t you know? You make me nervous but i love it. I can’t wait to be here. Let’s go hang out like two little kids you know? And that’s what makes it work. Awesome!

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We really look at these comments a lot. We’re always responding to them and it tells us what you want more of if you like this that type of stuff, that’s one of the best ways to get your questions answered too. So with that said, remember only the confident really. See in the next video.