We all want to avoid the Friend Zone, and too many men get stuck in the Friend Zone over and over. Sometimes it’s just not a match. But if you hear “let’s just be friends” or get rejected by girls regularly, this video will teach you how to avoid the friend zone and start attracting women who are excited to date you.
Editor’s Note: This video was originally published in June 2016.Â
FEARLESS founder Brian Begin takes a deep look at why certain men get get rejected or put in the friend zone habitually and how to change who you’re being as a man so you’re more confident with women and they start saying “yes” to dating you, having sex with you, and creating awesome relationships with you.
It’s great to have women in your life that are “just friends”…but only if you’re GENUINELY friends with them…and you aren’t secretly or subconsciously waiting for, hoping, or trying to get them to date you or like you sexually or romantically some day.
If what you ACTUALLY want down deep is a relationship, sex, or any kind of sexual relationship with a woman, being “friends” with her-even if she seems to truly want to be your friend-isn’t honest. It’s lying to yourself and lying to her. And it’s definitely not the behavior of a solid man women will get attracted to sexually or romantically.
That’s “nice guy syndrome” – watch some of the videos in the “Related Videos” section below for more on that.
The same even goes for buying women you’re attracted to drinks, dinner, gifts (etc) *IF YOU’RE REALLY DOING IT TO BUY HER TIME OR AFFECTION OR IN HOPES SHE’LL LIKE YOU, HAVE SEX WITH YOU, OR DATE YOU. If you’re being generous or giving without the secret or unspoken desire for something (sex, a date, her attraction, etc) in return, that is truly nice.
But if you’re getting friend zoned or flat-out rejected a lot, then it’s unlikely you’re being generous from an honest place, or even know how to…at least when it comes to women that you’re attracted to. So really, at least for a while, you should try on the idea of not buying women things-until you’re already coming from a more confident, sexual place with women and you are sure that you’re not buying them ___ to get the to like you. Trust me-you’ll know when you start to get there.
Start being forward with women-letting them know quickly in no uncertain terms that you’re attracted to them. And the ones who don’t reciprocate those feelings-don’t be afraid to walk away to find women who are.
You probably don’t need more platonic female friends right now – you need to work on your boldness and authenticity. Watch through this short playlist and practicing these exercises: Social Confidence Building Exercises.
Ready to take the plunge and have a transformational weekend of 30+ hours being coached directly by Brian and the FEARLESS team? Apply for The FEARLESS Experience workshop.
Related Videos:
Why Nice Guys Finish Last – “Nice Guys” Aren’t Nice | Inside FEARLESS #13
What Really Makes You Attractive to Women – Misunderstood SubtletiesÂ
What Women Want – Women Crave Sexual Tension | Inside Fearless #11Â
How to Attract Women – Expect them to like You | Inside FEARLESS #3
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