I explain how to hold a conversation with a girl – the key is listening, but it’s not just listening or analyzing the words.
To hold a conversation with a girl, you have to make her – and all people, really – feel HEARD. And that’s about being present in the moment with them, not thinking about what you’re going to say next, and really connecting with their emotions.
When you do that, you’ll know what to say and where to take the conversation. You’ll feel it. That’s also where you need to let go of your hesitation and just go with what you know you want to say or ask the girl about. Don’t think! Just say or ask what comes to mind.
Really being a great listener will also help give you so much more to go off of. When you’re really paying close attention to a girl you’re having a conversation with – her words and the emotions she’s sharing underneath the words – you’ll pick up on so many more things to talk about with her and little things to ask about and get her to go into deeper. Really be interested and see what little things she mentions or glosses over. Ask about those things!
That’s really how to hold a conversation with a girl. And it also makes you more attractive than a lot of men, because you’ll pick up on and ask her about things most men never will!
This is an older video, but it’s a very important, overlooked teaching, so I wanted to share it again. The Gatherings I mentioned in the video are a thing of the past, and they’ve been replaced by “The Fearless Man Live” 2-day seminar. You can learn about that by clicking over to the events page.
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[…] even take a few minutes, but just continue to enjoy the moment with her. Talk about whatever little things while holding that tension, because it’s the tension doing almost all of the […]
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