Do you ever have trouble being able to tell whether a woman is attracted or interested in you…or wants nothing to do with you? Brian goes over a lot of helpful hints to look out for in this video.

Women tend to operate on the subtle when it comes to letting men know they’re interested, attracted…or not at all. That can frustrate – or completely go over the heads of – many men, because men prefer to be more direct, but once you begin to understand the cues women are using, it can be one of those “seeing the Matrix” type experiences, and all of a sudden it starts to become obvious – not hard to see or confusing at all.

In the video, Brian goes over many different things you can look for, whether it’s women you come across when you’re out in the world or a woman you’re on a date with.

Some of the examples Brian gives in the video:

If she makes eye contact, smiles, looks down, and looks back within about 7 seconds, that’s usually a big invite to approach her. As signals from women go, this is a pretty blunt one, and something to realize is that how open you are affects how much you pull this kind of reaction out of women. When your energy and body language is closed off or inwards, you’re much less likely to get this from women.

If you catch her glancing at you, looking away, and looking back, this can be slightly less direct or decisive than the first example, but it likely means she’s at least curious about you.

On the other hand, if you see her looking up really fast when you two make eye contact, this probably means she’s not interested.

Does she seem to be opening her body language (engaged and interested in you), or is she closing off or pulling back (losing interest, bored, or wants you to go away)?

If you’re talking and touch her hand, does she reciprocate and touch you back, or does she seem uncomfortable or pull away? The same for the example of taking a woman’s hand and gently squeezing it if you’ve been talking for a while or you’re on a date with her.

Does she invade your space? This can be a big one – getting close to you, finding excuses to touch you, or even bumping into you (especially if you’re not in a crowded space or she does it multiple times), can all be pieces of the puzzle that she’s trying to get your attention or build connection if you’re already interacting. The more these (or any of the other examples Brian gives) happen, the more likely she’s interested (or not in the case of the negative signs) or plain attracted to you.

Is she physically leaning in to you or seem to be really holding strong eye contact, or is she kind of pulling away or avoiding eye contact? (Remember though that some women will avoid eye contact when you’re making them shy or nervous because they like you or are at least interested in you. This is why it’s important to look at all the different signs – and just the overall vibe – you’re getting.)

And the more you remember and accept, as Brian discusses in the video, that women don’t owe you anything or vice versa – and remember how annoyed you yourself get, when, for example, a bunch of people in a mall or on the street try to sell you something or sign up for something, the happier and better off you’ll be when women cold to you.

So go out and watch for some of these, take notes, and when it becomes easy to pick up the extremes that Brian talks about, start to look for the even more subtle ones.

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Signs She’s Flirting with You – Part 1
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