“Nice Guy Syndrome” is the number one affliction of men who struggle with women or relationships. It’s a form of manipulative codependency, it’s why IT SEEMS LIKEÂ “nice guys finish last,” and Dr. Robert Glover wrote the bestselling book on it:Â No More Mr. Nice Guy. In this video masterclas, Dr. Glover and FEARLESS founder Brian Begin talk all about Nice Guy Syndrome and breaking free from it to live a more fulfilling life filled with great relationships, sex, and general success in life.
Dr. Glover will be the keynote speaker at the 2019 edition of The Integrated Man Summit in Miami in December. Check out our events page to find out more!
Some of the highlights of the No More Mr. Nice Guy Masterclass:
00:03:00 – 00:08:13 – Dr. Glover talks about what a nice guy is and what we call a “nice guy seduction.” He shares how nice guys tend to operate based on three covert contracts.
00:13:20 – 00:22:50 – Dr. Glover talks about his realization about nice guy syndrome promting him to write No More Mr. Nice Guy. He also covers anxiety and the survival mechanism.
00:27:17 – 00:33:18 – Dr. Glover shares his story on how he developed skill sets that increase the odds of him having a good relationship with women.
0034:01 – 00:41:54 – Brian and Dr. Glover exhange ideas about the Law of Polarity and the importance of men learning to be comfortable feeling uncomfortable. Dr. Glover shares his experience of pain as an example of letting go.
00:45:10 – 00:48:24 – Dr. Glover shares a story about decision making – on why he decided to get married again.
00:51:43 – 00:57:18 – Dr. Glover answers a question on why many men have an urge for more offspring and younger women.
00:57:24 – -01:08:02 – Dr. Glover answers a question about the reason why sex sometimes becomes boring and why people tends to lose interest in each other. He also covers dealing with your partner when she appears to be “not in the mood” sexually.
01:08:24 – 01:15:01 – Dr. Glover talks about rejection and emotional neediness.
01:18:59 – 01:29:59 – Dr. Glover shares the main conclusion of his book and how it is absolutely necessary to have help or other people in your life as you journey on overcoming Nice Guy Syndrome. Dr. Glover also answers a question about the common male fear these days of women taking advantage of them.
01:30:20 – 01:39:34 – Dr. Glover answers a question about abandonment issues and shares his first experience in setting a hard boundary with a woman.
01:39:48 – End – Dr. Glover shares about his new book Dating Essentials For Men and other things he’s got going on.
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No More Mr. Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex, and Lifeby Dr. Robert A. Glover
Dating Essentials for Men by Dr. Robert A. Glover