Getting in touch with emotions and feelings – yours and hers – and sharing them with her is an important part of how to communicate with women effectively. In this video, the beautiful Lillia and I demonstrate and discuss the power of emotional awareness and sharing emotions when talking and relating to women – from when you’re first meeting a woman to when you’re in relationships so you can learn how to communicate with women better, be more attractive to women, and start practicing yourself.
This is the final part of a 4-part video demonstration series on connecting with women. Catch up with the previous videos:
How To Make A Connection With A Woman
Sexual Tension: How to Create Chemistry with a Woman
How to Pass Women’s Tests
Your emotions are constantly affecting others. Both people and animals are always feeling each others’ emotions…Animals communicate with each other and operate heavily based on emotion as most lack anywhere near the power of the logical and analytical mind and brain of humans.
Because of the power of our logical, analytical minds mixed with the evolution of language and society, we’ve become more analytical and lost some degree of being in touch with and communicating through emotion. This is true for men especially, as we tend to be very logical and alalytical…whereas women still tend to grow up learning to relate to and share emotions: playing house, playing with dolls, having tea parties, talking about boys and relationships, etc.
When you see a group of women at brunch, or on vacation together, or out on the town, you’ve probably noticed a lot of energy and excitement and ups and downs being shared between them: that’s them sharing emotions and relating to each other emotionally.
And good communication and people relating to one another (women or men) IS sharing emotion. Causing each other to feel something and realting to the other person’s feelings. Not just sharing analytical data and facts. As they say, you remember how someone makes you feel.
When you watch Will Smith and other great actors, leaders, and motivators, it’s the feelings they go through and get you in touch with that makes them so moving, memorable, and magnetizing more than the black and white words or facts they’re presenting. This is positive inception, as I talk about in the video.
When you have a bad, boring date with a woman, one reason it can feel boring and like it’s not going anywhere is that you guys are talking but that you’re just sharing data and facts rather than communicating and sharing emotions with her.
Women often get frustrated and bored with men when they’re sharing emotions because the man is taking in the words and logical data she’s sharing but they aren’t connecting with all the emotions she’s communicating underneath the words. This is where, for example, women get mad at men when they ask something like “Did you hear anything I just said?” and the man simply repeats back the literal words she said without any feeling or sense he gets what it all meant to her emotionally.
Getting in touch with your emotions, her emotions, and generally speaking more emotionally is a crucial part of how to communicate with women, and Lillia and I go into demos and discussion a lot in the video.
Book I mention in the video:Â Before Happiness: The 5 Hidden Keys to Achieving Success, Spreading Happiness, and Sustaining Positive Change by Shawn Achor