Here is today’s question about going on a great date, but not getting a call back or any response.
I met a girl at the gym recently and we hit it off pretty well. I took her on a date the next day that I thought went great (ice cream and walking along the waterfront where I live, kayaking, and finally a movie at my place.) She explicitly told me that she’s “never been on a date like this before” and went on to say that she had a great time. I took her home and we made out on the doorstep to her apartment before I went home. I texted her later that night and asked if she’d be free sometime a few days later to hang out again since we had a good time and she said she’d be free. Now it’s few days later and she won’t reply to any of my texts (she posted on her snapchat story a few times so her phone still works.) Did I do something wrong? What can I do differently in the future to stop this problem?
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